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Create project

oc sync [project name]

oc sync comes from igc

  1. Creates the Kube namespace / OpenShift project
  2. copies over some passwords that your pipeline needs in order to run

Where does it get the passwords from?

These come from the tools namespace which created when we ran a cluster setup script.

Cluster setup script comes from

Create pipeline

oc pipeline --tekton

oc pipeline comes from igc

  1. Copies Tekton tasks from into your project
  2. Created the Pipeline
  3. Created a PipelineRun

Will we always use Tekton?

Alternatives: Travis CI, Circle CI, Jenkins, Github Actions, ADO etc...

Jenkins was built before clouds existed. Not cloud native. Assumes disk usage.

Tekton was built from the ground up for K8s. Also comes "for free".


Generates YAML files from templates.