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Branch-Based Tekton Pipelines

By default the pipeline created by oc pipeline --tekton (which comes from igc) only runs a single branch.

If you are on the main branch when you run oc pipeline --tekton it will only run when you push to main.

If you are on the foo branch when you run oc pipeline --tekton it will only run when you push to foo.

In order to have pipelines run for different branches, follow these instructions:

Create the pipeline

Create the git branch

Assuming your new branch is named homepage your commands would look like this:

git checkout -b homepage
git push -u origin homepage

Create a new project

oc sync react-intro-35-homepage

Create a new Tekton pipeline

oc pipeline --tekton --pipeline ibm-nodejs -p scan-image=false -p lint-dockerfile=false

Now, whenever you push to the homepage branch, it will trigger a new pipeline run.

NOTE: there is no argo configuration added to this Tekton pipeline, so there's no QA environment. Just the app that's created by Tekton in the same namespace.

Optionally configure Argo

If for some reason you needed to test something out in Argo (for example, you are testing changes to the configs that affect how Argo works) you can also create a new Argo App that's tied to your branch-based folder in the gitops repo.

Consider using the command line for this:

Cleanup the pipeline

When you merge your code, you need to delete the pipeline.

Delete the project

First, switch to another project.

oc project react-intro-35-dev

Then delete the branch-based project:

oc delete project react-intro-35-homepage

Delete the webhook

  1. Login to gogs
  2. Go to Settings > Webhooks
  3. Delete the webhook specific to your branch

Optionally delete argo app

If you installed an Argo app, delete it.